This is a story of the The Cockroach, The Piano, & Me. One day, a week ago, I was playing the piano, worshiping God and inviting his presence, when all of a sudden, A small cockroach at the left side of the piano caught my eye. I was a bit taken aback cos I am not a cockroach lover, and the phobia of cockroaches does run in my family's DNA. Although I did occasionally glance at the cockroach, I decided to carry on worshipping God. I thought that the Cockroach was dead cause throughout the whole 20mins or so, the Cockroach did not move one bit, no matter how loud the piano was. When I ended, I decided to get rid of the 'dead' crockroach and with a piece of tissue in hand, and a dustbin in the other, I walked towards the Crockroach. Just as I was reaching the Piano, the cockroach quickly scuttled away. It was alive all along! A though hit me after the interestng experience. The Crockroach, despite being a dreaded pest, is also one of God's creation! And this led me to think that the Crockroach was enjoying the Presence of God! Amazing huh? But I think it is true, because all creation displays the Glory of God, and all creation know who their creator is. God is a great God! Someone who made the heavens and the earth, and yet, sent his one and only son to die for sinners like us. Who is like the Lord? There is no one. Thank God for his faithfulness. The last weekend, he had showed me that whatever work he has started in someone's life will not come to an end until he says so, and whatever we have sown into the Kingdom will never go to waste!Life has been good but slightly tiring since this is the first week of Poly, Semester 2. Can't believe it is Semester 2 already. HeheGod bless ulimmy, out.
7:45 AM
My Parents are coming back from America tomorrow!! Wo hoo.. Haha. If you didn't know, my bro and I were staying home alone for the past two weeks. It has been a super short two weeks, and I have been busy, but I still can't wait to see mua parents tml.
My bro and I will be their welcoming team at the airport Saturday morning. Can't wait. But before their arrival, will be planning to wash the house up tomorrow and maybe do a bit of ironing before they come back. I can taste the Reese Buttercups in my mouth already! Haha. One thing I really have to thank God for is the many ppl that have blessed us during this past two weeks, looking out for us and cooking dinner! I can feel the warmth and love of the body of christ. God is soooo Good!
School is going to start next week, and after a looong 2 mths break, i feel ready to go back. More sure of going back to school than I was when I was a freshie just a few months ago. At least now I kindda know what to expect.
IT is way past my bedtime so I think I will post a testimony that i have been wanting to share another time, so look out for it! Hehe
God bless,
limmy out.
9:05 AM